Have you ever felt like you needed a vacation right after finishing a vacation? There’s something about our pace of life (even on our time off!) that doesn’t allow our souls to fully recover. Our longing for productivity and for rest are often at odds with each other.
But it’s possible to live a different way. Join us Sundays, starting on November 28th. Together, we’ll look closely at the life of Jesus – and learn how to find true rest for our souls.
Join us LIVE every Sunday in-person OR online!
Each Sunday, we have in-person services at each campus. Service times vary per campus.
Find a campus near you for upcoming in-person service times:

Watch the Sunday message virtually & engage with others in a LIVE interactive chat!
echoKIDS is a children’s ministry uniquely designed with your child in mind. We’ve carefully designed experiences for your kids to teach them relevant lessons from the Bible in a fun way.
We offer IN-PERSON echoKIDS experiences at our campuses (see campus pages above for times), as well as ONLINE experiences at 11:30am.