Providing safe, age-appropriate environments for kids from babies to fifth grade, teaching them the Bible in a creative and relevant way.

Providing safe, age-appropriate environments for kids from babies to fifth grade, teaching them the Bible in a creative and relevant way.

echoKIDS is a children’s ministry uniquely designed with your child in mind.
Our goal is for your child to say to you, “I can’t wait for church!” We want their hour at echoKIDS to be the best hour of his/her week, every week.
At each of our campuses, kids experience dynamic and relevant Bible teaching, passionate worship, and small-group activities designed to help them respond to what God is teaching them, all in a safe and secure environment.
We are dedicated to providing an experience that is inviting, positive, and will set you at ease to enjoy a distraction-free worship experience.

What to Expect
- Family member’s names
- Children’s names and birth dates
- Address
- Phone number
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your child
View Service Times
echoKIDS Pastor