There’s something within all of us that wants to make things better.

In a world that is hurting, broken, and divided, how can we leverage the influence each of us has to make a difference? How do we best share the message of hope with those around us?

Join us in-person OR online starting Sunday, May 16 for this brand new series. Together, we’ll unpack 4 key mindsets to make a difference where we live, work, and play. Get ready to learn the art of influence.

Join us LIVE every Sunday in-person OR online!


Watch the Sunday message virtually & engage with others in a LIVE interactive chat!





Each Sunday, we are now offering the option of in-person services on each campus as we follow the latest COVID-19 safety guidelines. Service times vary per campus.

Find a campus near you for upcoming in-person service times:


echoKIDS is a children’s ministry uniquely designed with your child in mindWe’ve carefully designed experiences for your kids to teach them relevant lessons from the Bible in a fun AND safe way – in accordance with the latest COVID-19 safety guidelines.

We offer IN-PERSON echoKIDS experiences at our campuses (see campus pages above for times), as well as ONLINE experiences at 11:30am. 


Watch the Sunday message virtually & engage with others in a LIVE interactive chat!

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