
Mar 01 2025
This event has passed.


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Dedicate Your Child

Child Dedication

Are you ready to make the commitment to lead your child to say “YES” to Jesus?

echoKIDS is partnering with parents who are ready to dedicate their child(ren) to the Lord. Our passion at echoKIDS is to “Partner with parents to urgently lead the next generation to say YES to Jesus!”

One of our favorite ways we get to do this is through Child Dedication. When you make the decision “to dedicate your child,” you are committing to LEAD them to say YES to Jesus and show them what it means to “passionately follow Him.” You are not alone on this journey!

Child Dedication is not a baptism (baptism is a special moment, symbolic of a personal decision that a child makes to follow Jesus for the rest of their lives). This moment is for you as parents — to commit to do whatever it takes, to lead your child to know Jesus. We can’t wait to celebrate with you at this special event!


Echo.Church - Fremont
41386 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538


Echo.Church - Fremont
41386 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538

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