Get ready for the Hope Project
A lot can happen in 40 days. In fact, when we focus, that period of time can lead to great transformation personally, relationally, and even professionally. From June 14-July 31 we're taking a journey together of experience and giving hope, in the midst of...

Four Commitments That Can Shape Your Kid’s Hearts in a Tech-filled World
One of the biggest challenges a parent faces these days is connecting to their children’s hearts, in spite of their eyes (and ours) continually drawn to tech devices. Here are some mindsets, tools, and strategies that have helped my wife and I tremendously over the years.

Resources for a Tech-Wise Family
Becoming tech-wise requires work and the proper tools. We listed some great resources and tips here to assist you in your journey of putting technology back in its proper place. Echo.Church Teaching Series YouTube Podcast The Tech-Wise Family...