1 Peter 5:13-14(NLT) “Your sister church here in Babylon sends you greetings, and so does my son Mark. Greet each other with a kiss of love. Peace be with all of you who are in Christ.”
Dear friend, I must admit I’m sad that our time together here is coming to a close. I have enjoyed sharing this time together, as we’ve learned about Peter and his friends from the early church. I hope and pray that you love Jesus more now than ever. I am trusting that the Holy Spirit has placed inside of you a hunger and passion for the Word of God like never before!
Before we finish our last day together, let’s invite the Lord to join us one more time. King Jesus, we declare our love for you today. Your name is worthy of praise. Help our hearts be opened to your word today. Please speak to us. There is nothing we want more than to be in your presence and hear from you today.
Several years ago, Stacie had reconstructive jaw surgery. I will spare you the medical details, but it was necessary for her long-term health. The six hours I spent in the lobby of the waiting room were the six longest hours of my life. I tried not to think about them breaking open her face and putting it back together. I tried not to think what might happen if this thing went bad. I tried to just pray and not eat too much. When the doctor came out with good news of a successful surgery, my heart was so happy.
There is a sad part of this story, however. Stacie experienced some pretty significant nerve damage during surgery. She lives with a constant pain that makes it hard for her to drink cold drinks or step outside when there is a cold wind. The saddest part is, we can’t kiss on the lips anymore, at least not without Stacie experiencing pain. Before this happened, I never truly realized how important and beautiful a kiss could be. There is something so divine about a kiss. It is a gift from God, especially between a husband and a wife.
I have said before that there are only three women I’ll kiss—one is 60 years old, one is 38, and the other is 6. You probably guessed it’s my mom, my wife, and my daughter. At some point kissing Karis will get awkward, but I’m sure my mom will still be trying to kiss me on the lips when she’s 80. For my Mom and Karis, I always turn my head just a half inch to the side right before the lips touch. Not sure why, it’s just so personal to touch lips with another human, no matter how close they are. There are different types of kisses. We won’t get into those details here, but we can all agree that a kiss is a form of intimacy.
I’m glad we don’t kiss to greet one another at church services. Even if that used to be a thing, it’s highly unlikely that people would be kissing after COVID-19. Maybe there will be a “mask kiss” that emerges through this season.
COVID-19 has hit me in different ways than expected. There are certain aspects of my old way of life that I don’t miss, but there are some things I have had to grieve deeply. I love to hug people. Just like kisses, there are different types of hugs. Admittedly, I think some people hug weird; I even used to have a “back hugger” at Echo. Our security team helped me eliminate the approach from behind after a couple of instances of my being enveloped without my consent.
Although some people get it wrong and really mess it up, we were made for each other. The body of Christ was made for togetherness. God created us to fellowship. We weren’t made for separation or walls. We were made to come in close and extend peace and love. I have felt this love from Peter throughout this whole letter. Our lives are to be lived with deep love for God and one another.
Where do you think Peter got this tenderness? I’m sure you can guess. Three years by Jesus’ side changed him. His boldness was now coupled with kindness. Jesus had returned to Heaven, but He left love here. You know where this love comes from? It is a by-product of the hope the Holy Spirit gives to our lives.
Romans 5:4-5 (NLT) says, “And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love.”
History tells us that Peter was murdered upside down on a cross for his faith in Jesus. When Jesus was crucified, Peter cowered in fear. I just recently discovered that many historians believe that Peter first watched his wife be martyred. He then requested his cross be turned upside down because he was unworthy of being killed in the same manner as Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Grandpa Peter stayed faithful all the way to the end!
Peter is gone, Jesus is in heaven, but the Holy Spirit remains with us to fill our hearts with hope. No matter what our circumstances, His presence is our hope. We have become conduits of this hope to a dark world. Like Peter, we too are waiting for the day when He returns. But for now we can walk with living hope.
That hope fills our hearts with love and brings peace to our communities, our churches, our businesses, and our families. Our 40-day journey together is coming to close, but our hope journey continues. Hope is a person, not an event. Because Jesus is our hope, the best is always ahead of us.
Thank you for hanging in there. Don’t give up, soldier! Keep seeking the heart of God. Humble yourself. Recommit your ways to the King. Remember, this life is so short. When it’s all over, you will stand before the King. It will be worth it when you hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Father, thank you for leading us during this time. We love you! Help us stay faithful all the way to the end.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Wow I can’t believe that I made it through the 40 days. These past days have been so amazing I feel way more hopeful now than when I started this with everyone else. I have all these feelings inside of me you can trust me they are so great. From the bottom of my heat thank Pastor Andy
for these 40days of devotionals!!!. At 1st it seemed that it was a long road but I stood faithful, ready each and every day. The journey is not ending here I am so ready to get through this season filled with hope, faith, & Love & to focus on Jesus in everything.
Again Pastor my heartfelt thanks and may you & your family always be blessed.
Much Mahalo
What a gift these 40 days have been , indeed …thank you for what this project is done inside our hearts ❤️
I also loved this part :
…”. I have felt this love from Peter throughout this whole letter. Our lives are to be lived with deep love for God and one another.”….
Thank you Pastor Andy for this 40-day devotional. Clearly, this was a massive effort on your part and is very much appreciated. It helped my rekindle my morning routine, spending time reading a passage and your thoughts, and gave me time to spend with God. For this, I thank you!
May God Bless everyone in their time of need, and May God be with us always.
For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love. Romans 5:5
Sometimes, love can feel really hard to come by. People aren’t always very “lovable”. At times of struggle, I can feel anger or bitterness or apathy rising up in me in regards to particular relationships.
What a comfort to know that the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with love. We don’t have to muster up love from our own strength. We don’t have to just TRY REALLY HARD to be more loving.
We have a steady source that never runs dry. When all the love drains out of me, I have an endless supply I can tap into to get filled back up.
My job is not to TRY HARDER, but to abide in Him. To remain in His love. To remove anything in my own life that could block the flow of His love.
Holy Spirit, fill my heart today with a supernatural measure of Your love. May my life be marked by the love of God flowing out of me.
Finally, I can’t sign off without saying… Andy, wow. What a gift these 40 days have been. God has used these words in so many lives to bring hope, peace, and a closer connection to the Father’s heart. Thank you for going to the effort to write this. Thanks for shepherding all of us with the love of a pastor. You have led us so well during this season. I love you, and I’m so very proud of you. ?
Thankful for these devotionals and for the hope project echo groups! So much hope is needed in this difficult time. God is good!
These 40 days have been amazing, learning from great great great…grandpa Peter and how he remained faithful to the end. I am definitely praying for more transformation in my life, such that I do not conform to the patterns of this world and that I can continue to serve Him till the end of my life! Thank you very much Pastor Andy for putting this together so well. ???
thank you all this has been an awesome 40 days and great reminder of Gods love for us hope to see you all soon. Can we have outside gatherings for groups or church
Sad that the 40 day devotional has come to an end. Always looked forward to opening up the Echo app to kick start the morning. The word of God indeed is transforming and feeds the soul. This was awesome-thank you!
Love you guys! Proud of you all for hanging in there
This was very powerful and encouraging. Echo is going to change the world and is doing that. The church is on fire for Christ. I am so very blessed at this stage of my life to be a tiny part is seeing God work through us. A dream come true for me to be a witness! Amen!
It is such a sweet reminder how Jesus has blessed the gift of touch. When we hug one another or pat someone on the back, we are showing love in a way that could not be expressed in words.
Jesus can heal with just his words, but when he takes a moment to physically touch the lives of those around him, I think it shows this great compassion that he is unafraid to be close to us, no matter how dirty we think we are. He touches the leper, he washes our feet. He is so, so good, and so, so kind!
Thank you Pastor for pouring your heart these last forty days. We are so blessed by your leadership, your openness, your vulnerability..I want to be like Peter and run this race to the end
Thank you Pastor Andy for these past 40 days. Your words, your vulnerability, your sincere love for Jesus has brought me closer to Him in ways that, as you said, will allow us to be a conduit in the dark. Thank you again, Pastor.
We can’t thank you enough, Pastor Andy, for your vulnerability, wisdom, and faithful stewardship over this church. This devotional blessed me so much and encouraged me daily! I’m honestly sad it’s over, but looking forward to more in the future 🙂
Honestly, this has rebirthed within me a desire to get closer to Him. Also, it has given me a hope that can’t be described! Pastor Andy, thank you for taking the time to put your work into all of these devos! I don’t know where I would have been without them.
Thank God for your genuine heart!
Thank you Pastor Andy for this 40 day journey, it was much needed. Also, I’ve really appreciated your vulnerability and authenticity. I hope this devotional gets published and put on the YouVersion Bible App. Amazing!
What a gift these 40 days have been , indeed …thank you for what this project is done inside our hearts ❤️
I also loved this part :
…”. I have felt this love from Peter throughout this whole letter. Our lives are to be lived with deep love for God and one another.”….
Pastor Andy, thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us through the Hope Project devotionals and also your sermons. Your devotionals have allowed me to find a renewed purpose in humbly serving God and motivated me to become involved with Echo Compassion. I’m encouraged to pursue what is righteous and to persevere when met with worldly challenges.
I’ve learned the importance of refueling my spiritual tank.
1 Peter 5:13-14(NLT) “Peace be with all of you who are in Christ.”
Thank you Pastor Andy, for your servant leadership, for letting your life be a transparent example of hope, trust, and love. Thank you for breaking this letter of Peter’s into daily, very practical and relevant chunks so that our hope is placed firmly in Jesus! Thank you to all the leadership team at Echo, for the Sunday messages, for the small groups coordinators, for the beautiful way that everyone worked together. I know that my outlook during this covid time has been infused with viewing thing in hope, and consequently … doing things in hope…and love!
Thank you for your leadership and for this powerful, hope giving, devotional, pastor Andy!
Thank you Pastor Andy for giving us a wonderful devotional to read these past 40 days… well done.
We are blessed to be a part of your church family:)
Thank you pastor Andy for the 40 days devotionals. I always looked forward to reading them especially during these difficult days and for me who also has daily chronic pain. I hope you can keep these devotionals up as long as possible as I would like to reread them again. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire and guide you. Thank you.
Thank you pastor Andy for these devotionals especially during these challenging days and for me who lives with chronic pain. I would hope you can keep these devotionals up for as long as possible so I can reread them again . May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire and guide you. Thanks!
Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?