A lot can happen in 40 days. In fact, when we focus, that period of time can lead to great transformation personally, relationally, and even professionally.
From June 14-July 31 we’re taking a journey together of experience and giving hope, in the midst of global crisis. Our prayer is that those who join will come out of these 7 weeks with greater clarity, strength, and hope for future.
Here’s how you can make the most of the journey:
- SUNDAY PARTICIPATION – Make a commitment to engage with us every Sunday during the Hope Project Series, June 14-July 26). Go to echo.church/online
- INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION – Download the Echo.Church app from the App Store and engage daily with us in the daily encouragement prepared by Pastor Andy Wood | Download week 1 here.
- GROUP PARTICIPATION – Talk over the Sunday message with others in the journey with you. Choose from over 200 digital small groups by going to groups.echo.church